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Review of Myth of Empires: Ambition Overshadows Execution

Myth of Empires

Myth of Empires

Myth of Empires, a survival-crafting MMO developed by Angela Game, invites players to build and expand their own empire while competing with others. It offers an engrossing experience, yet it’s marred by a handful of imperfections that prevent it from achieving excellence.


Entering the world of Myth of Empires with skepticism, especially from a player not particularly fond of survival crafting games, this title manages to capture attention with its depth. While the game engages players in building and sustaining their own domains, it lacks a certain appeal that would make it compelling in the long term. Still in Early Access, the game shows promise, but its final judgment is reserved until its official completion.

The Premise: A World Ripe for Conquest

Unlike many games where a narrative drives the action, Myth of Empires thrives on a simple yet effective premise. Following a devastating war that leveled existing powers, players find themselves in a prime position to forge a new empire. This setting excellently motivates the gameplay, though the addition of more nuanced storytelling could enhance engagement. Through environmental clues and lore, a deeper connection to the world could be fostered, enriching the player’s investment in the game’s outcome.

Gameplay: The Foundation of Empire

Resource Gathering: The Core Activity

Resource collection forms the backbone of gameplay in Myth of Empires. Players start by crafting basic tools and proceed to harvest a wide array of materials essential for their empire’s growth. The process is tactile and satisfying, though the game’s logic on resource yields can occasionally frustrate. A more consistent system for resource gathering could alleviate these minor annoyances.

Construction: Crafting Your Domain

Building in Myth of Empires is both rewarding and challenging. The game’s construction mechanics allow for a tangible sense of creation, although the permanence of structures can penalize experimental or mistaken placements. An improvement allowing for the repositioning of built items without penalty would be a welcome quality-of-life enhancement.

Combat: A Call for More

Combat in Myth of Empires, while not the game’s primary focus, incorporates a complex directional system that adds depth to skirmishes. However, encounters feel too infrequent, diminishing the game’s dynamic potential. Introducing more opportunities for conflict could invigorate the game’s pacing and engagement.

Exploration: A World Too Vast?

The game’s expansive map, while initially impressive, raises practical concerns regarding player interaction and resource competition. A more condensed map could foster a more competitive and engaging gameplay environment, encouraging interaction and conflict over scarce resources.

Visuals and Sound: Aesthetically Pleasing

Despite any gameplay criticisms, Myth of Empires stands out visually and audibly. Even on lower settings, the game’s environments are stunning, with attention to detail that enhances immersion. The ambient soundscape, complemented by sporadic music, further draws players into the game’s world, though some audio elements can be misleading or distracting.

In conclusion, Myth of Empires presents a solid foundation for a survival-crafting MMO, with its vast world and engaging mechanics. However, its ambition is somewhat undercut by issues in storytelling, resource management, and player interaction. With further development and refinement, it has the potential to overcome these hurdles and fully realize its grand vision.

Myth of Empires: Myth of Empires, a survival-crafting MMO developed by Angela Game, invites players to build and expand their own empire while competing with others. It offers an engrossing experience, yet it's marred by a handful of imperfections that prevent it from achieving excellence. Flare

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