
Dive into Deception with ‘Computer Repair Shop’: The Game Where Dishonor Pays Off

Computer Repair Shop

In a world teeming with the usual gaming fare, from high-stakes action to immersive RPGs, Cheesecake Dev throws a curveball that might just be the refreshing twist we didn’t know we needed. Their new game, “Computer Repair Shop,” lets players step into the shoes of a not-so-trustworthy computer repairman—where the goal is as unorthodox as it gets: to pilfer RAM sticks and fry motherboards covertly. But is this quirky gameplay enough to capture and hold your attention? Let’s break it down.

Game Overview

“Computer Repair Shop” is a simulation game that cleverly blends elements of strategy, humor, and slight malevolence. Set in a bustling town that boasts a seemingly infinite demand for computer repairs, players must juggle maintaining a facade of a reliable repair shop while engaging in less-than-honorable activities behind the scenes. The contrast between appeasing your customers and sabotaging their electronics provides an intriguing gameplay dynamic seldom explored in the gaming industry.

Unique Aspects

One of the game’s standout features is its unique blend of gameplay mechanics. On the surface, it operates as a standard business sim where you manage appointments, upgrade your shop, and handle finances. However, the twist comes when you decide how to approach each repair job. Will you be the town’s most dependable technician, or will you give into temptation and steal those high-capacity RAM sticks for a quick profit?

Gameplay Flexibility

The game shines in allowing players to chart their own path. Those looking for a straightforward business simulation can find satisfaction in optimizing shop operations and customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, adventurous players can explore the game’s more clandestine opportunities, strategizing on how to best mix legitimate business with their underworld ambitions.

Room for Improvement

As captivating as “Computer Repair Shop” can be, it’s not without its hitches. Players have reported encountering bugs that, while not game-breaking, can momentarily pull you out of the immersive experience. The good news is that Cheesecake Dev has been responsive to community feedback, actively working on patches to smooth out these kinks.

Thinking Outside the Box with Benefits and Glitches



Computer Repair Shop: "Computer Repair Shop" stands out as a distinctive and engaging addition to the simulation genre. By offering players the autonomy to direct the game's course as they see fit—whether that means running a reputable shop or delving into a bit of digital mischief—it caters to a wide array of gaming tastes. While the road may be a bit bumpy at times due to minor bugs, the journey is nonetheless a rewarding and enjoyable one. Whether you're in it for legitimate business or the thrill of clandestine operations, "Computer Repair Shop" beckons with an experience you won't find elsewhere. Obsidian

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