The Monsterverse franchise has expanded its reach with Kong: Survivor Instinct, a 2.5D action-adventure game that attempts to bring the…
Browsing: 2D Platformer
The Spirit of the Samurai delivers a unique blend of Japanese folklore, brutal combat, and breathtaking stop-motion animation. Developed as…
In a gaming world saturated with high-octane action titles, Neva stands out as a meditative journey that masterfully blends emotional…
The classic Nickelodeon cartoon Rugrats has seen various video game adaptations, but Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland taps into the heart…
In the vast landscape of indie games, The Plucky Squire stands out as a title that captures attention with its…
The world is brimming with anticipation for the release of “Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus,” an impeccable 2.5D action…