
Latest Reviews

Embarking on a musical journey never felt as exhilarating until “Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost” entered the stage. Crafted by the enigmatic team at UnknownX, this rhythm game is not just an evolution—it’s a revolution. Born from the ashes of its predecessor, “Touhou Danmaku Kagura,”…

In HELLCARD, players are invited to explore the ‘paper dungeons’, a uniquely crafted underworld, teeming with malevolent creatures and the ever-looming threat of the Archdemon. What makes this journey especially intriguing is the game’s dual nature; it artfully blends the intricate mechanics of deck-building with…

“The Inquisitor” grips players with its intriguing premise set in a dark, alternate religious history. Players step into the shoes of Inquisitor Mordimer Madderdin, tasked with unraveling the mysteries in Koenigstein, a town riddled with supernatural occurrences and steeped in religious intrigue. Navigating a Morally…

Welcome to the future of gaming and survival in the post-apocalyptic realm! “Fractured Veil,” a captivating survival RPG by Paddle Creek Games, has officially entered the gaming arena. This game, set against the backdrop of Maui’s scenic yet zombie-ravaged landscapes, beckons players to master their…

Welcome, dear adventurers and aspiring farmers, to the whimsical expanse of Southfield—a land where the traditional tranquility of farming meets the uproarious chaos of silly physics. Developed by the creative minds at Radical Forge Ltd., Southfield is not your grandma’s farm simulator. Instead, it invites…
